I am a full professor (Chair for Software Engineering & AI) in Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, Heilbronn, Germany, and also an adjunct professor in Monash University, Australia. I obtained my PhD from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. When pronouncing my first name, "Chun-yang" sounds like "train-young" which is exactly my job. My research focuses on Software Engineering, Deep Learning and Human-Computer Interaction. Specifically, I apply AI/ML, NLP and light-weight program analysis technology in the following directions:



Selected recent publications

  1. [TSE-24] Software Testing with Large Language Model: Survey, Landscape, and Vision

    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

    Junjie Wang, Yuchao Huang, Chunyang Chen, Zhe Liu, Song Wang, Qing Wang

  2. [UIST-24] GPTVoiceTasker: LLM-Powered Virtual Assistant for Smartphone

    ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology

    Minh Duc Vu, Han Wang, Zhuang Li, Jieshan Chen, Shengdong Zhao, Zhenchang Xing, Chunyang Chen

    PDF · Code
  3. [CHI-24] MUD: Towards a Large-Scale and Noise-Filtered UI Dataset for Modern Style UI Modeling

    ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

    Sidong Feng, Suyu Ma, Han Wang, David Kong, Chunyang Chen

    PDF · Dataset · Acceptance rate: 26.4% (1060/4009)
  4. [CHI-24] Unblind Text Inputs: Predicting Hint-text of Text Input in Mobile Apps via LLM

    ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

    Zhe Liu, Chunyang Chen, Junjie Wang, Mengzhuo Chen, Boyu Wu, Yuekai Huang, Jun Hu, Qing Wang

    PDF · Demo · Code · Best Paper Honorable Mention · Acceptance rate: 26.4% (1060/4009)
  5. [ICSE-24] Make LLM a Testing Expert: Bringing Human-like Interaction to Mobile GUI Testing via Functionality-aware Decisions

    The 46th International Conference on Software Engineering

    Zhe Liu, Chunyang Chen, Junjie Wang, Mengzhuo Chen, Boyu Wu, Xing Che, Dandan Wang, Qing Wang

  6. [ICSE-24] Testing the Limits: Unusual Text Inputs Generation for Mobile App Crash Detection with Large Language Model

    The 46th International Conference on Software Engineering

    Zhe Liu, Chunyang Chen, Junjie Wang, Mengzhuo Chen, Boyu Wu, Zhilin Tian, Yuekai Huang, Jun Hu, Qing Wang

  7. [ICSE-24] Prompting Is All Your Need: Automated Android Bug Replay with Large Language Models

    The 46th International Conference on Software Engineering

    Sidong Feng, Chunyang Chen

    PDF · Code · Acceptance rate: 6.6% (18/274)
  8. See more papers in the full list, and our recently works about LLM can be seen in the seperate page.



    • Wenchao Gu (Jun.2024-), Technical University of Munich


    • Yuetian Mao (Jun.2024-), Technical University of Munich
    • Ludwig Felder (Jun.2024-) , Technical University of Munich
    • Sidong Feng (May.2023-), Monash University
      • Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad 2024
      • ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE 2023
    • Yujin Huang (Dec.2022-), Monash University (Co-supervised with Xingliang Yuan)
      • Dean's Award for Excellence by a Graduate Research Student at Department of Software Systems & Cybersecurity, 2023, Monash University
    • Jian Gu (Nov.2022-), Monash University (Co-supervised with Aldeida Aleti)
    • Han Wang (May.2021-), Monash University
      • Dean's Award for Excellence by a Graduate Research Student at Department of Software Systems & Cybersecurity, 2022, Monash University
    • Xin Zheng (Apr.2021-Aug.2024), Monash University (Co-supervised with Shirui Pan)
      • First job: Lecturer/Assistant Prof in Griffith University, Australia.
    • Han Hu (Jan.2021-), Monash University
    • Suyu Ma (Mar.2020-), Monash University (Co-supervised with John Grundy)
      • First job: Research Scientist in Data61, CSIRO.
    • Jieshan Chen (Aug.2018- Feb.2022), Australian National University (Co-supervised with Zhenchang Xing)
      • First job: Research Scientist in Data61, CSIRO.
      • ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE 2020

    Visiting/Remote students

    • Zhe Liu (Jan.2020- Jun.2023), Chinese Academy of Sciences
      • First job: Assistant Prof in Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
      • Best Paper Honorable Mention in CHI 2024
      • ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals Winner, 2023
    • Yuhui Su (Jul.2020-Aug.2022), Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • Tianming Zhao (Jan.2019-Dec.2020), Jilin University
    • Kaibo Cao (Jul.2019-Dec.2020), Nanjing University
      • ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE 2021
    • Zhidan Yuan (Sep.2019-Dec.2019), Nantong University
    • Dun Zhang (Jan.2019-Apr.2019), Nantong University



  • 2024 Summer | Lecturer | CITHN4004-Foundations and Application of Generative AI
  • 2024 Summer | Lecturer | INHN0015-Seminar Automated Mobile App Testing
  • 2023 S1 | Lecturer & Chief examiner | FIT3170-Software Engineering Practice
  • 2022 FY | Lecturer & Chief examiner | FIT3170-Software Engineering Practice
  • 2021 FY | Lecturer & Chief examiner | FIT3170-Software Engineering Practice
  • 2020 S1 | Lecturer & Chief examiner | FIT9136-Algorithms and Programming Foundations in Python
  • 2019 S1 | Lecturer & Chief examiner | FIT9133-Programming Foundations in Python
  • 2017 Fall | Tutorial advisor | CZ3003-Software Systems Analysis & Design
  • 2017 Spring | Lab assistant | CZ3003-Software Systems Analysis & Design
  • 2016 Fall | Lab assistant | CE2006-Software Engineering
  • 2016 Spring | Lab assistant | CZ2002-Objective Oriented Design & Programming
  • 2015 Fall | Lab assistant | CZ3003-Software System Analysis & Design



    • Schedule Co-Chair: 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-23)
    • Volunteer Co-Chair: IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE-21)
    • Keynote at Doctoral Symposium: IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME-21)
    • Student Research Competition Co-Chair: IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE-20)
    • Guest Editor, Special Issue on Automated Software Engineering for Mobile Applications, Springer Automated Software Engineering

    Program Committee or Associate Chair

    • International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-25,24,23)
    • ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA-24)
    • ACM Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-24)
    • IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE-24)
    • ACM SIGCHI Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW-24)
    • IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE-24,23,22)
    • International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23,22,21)
    • The ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP-22)
    • The International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME-22,21,20,18)
    • ACM Student Research Competition (SRC-22,21)
    • ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST-21) (Reviewer)
    • The Mining Software Repositories (MSR-23,22,21,20,19)
    • Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML-21,20)
    • International Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering (RAISE-21,20)
    • IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, Replication and Negative Results Track (ICPC-21)
    • International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Anlaysis in Software Engineering (PROMISE-21)
    • IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER-23,20,19)
    • Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC-20)
    • Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware-20,21,22)
    • IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE tool-19)

    Journal Reviewer

    • Nature Machine Intelligence (NMI)
    • Communications of the ACM
    • IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)
    • ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)
    • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)
    • IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)
    • IEEE Transactions on Reliability (TRel)
    • Springer Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE)
    • Springet Automated Software Engineering (AUSE)
    • Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)
    • IEEE Software
    • Journal of Software: Evolution and Process
    • Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST)
    • International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI)

©Copyright | Chunyang Chen | Last update in Aug, 2024